
Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Blog for Jewish Professionals

There is a new blog that is worthwhile to check out, particularly anyone who is involved in the Jewish community at large. The blog is Jewish Community Professionals, [or Jewish Pros] and so far it looks very good. (Gil at Hirhurim noted it yesterday.) The person who started the blog is a very intelligent, thoughtful person, and though I've only met him once, his brother is a friend of mine starting from when I was in Israel. Here's his first post:
I am a Jewish communal professional in the Jewish Federation world. I wanted to start a blog where myself and other Jewish pro's can discuss issues ranging from workplace topics like fundraising, programming, education, lay/pro relations to more personal issues of balancing work and family, salaries, and building strong ties across diverse Jewry.

I would love this blog to take a life of its own, to deal with long term challenges and contempary issues as well. I hope this becomes a useful place to share your hopes and dreams as well as your challenges and dissapointments.

The bottom line is that Jewish professionals are a different breed. If we wanted a career that would earn us the big bucks we would have become attorneys and investment bankers. Instead, we rather work day in and day out with the one people who G-d calls "stiff-necked". That definitely takes a unique kind of person, be it NCSY, AIPAC, Jewish Federation, a Kiruv worker or day school educator.
Check it out.

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