
Friday, February 10, 2006

Ezzie's Blog Roundup - Break

Still on break - I've only succeeded in perusing my blogroll through the letter H, and even then I had to skip some posts on the more prolific blogs. Very saddening. I hope to catch up Saturday night, though I have an engagement party to go to (sadly, I missed one last night of another good friend). It's nice that a number of friends - past and present - have gotten engaged over the last few weeks. Mazel Tov to them all!

Meanwhile, there are a couple of others who do roundups here and there: Yitzchak at Judeopundit always has good ones in his "Linkim" posts. Enjoy!

UPDATE: And there's Meryl Yourish, and Daled Amos. It's funny, because while I knew there were many others who do this once in a while (DovBear, SoccerDad, etc.), I guess I'm more aware of them when I can't do one myself. I think I usually have a roundup about 4 times a week (three out of four, M-Th; and Sat. night), so now that I've been busy this past week and a half or so, it's nice finding an easy way to catch up on some great posts.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

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