
Friday, July 21, 2006

Every Life Matters To Us

Every. Single. One. Balaboosteh has more pictures from Yonatan Hadassi's funeral, along with pictures of everything else that's going on. Click on the Images of War icon to the left for more. Jack has a reminder of what type of people we're fighting against, but I would not recommend it even for the strong-stomached. I couldn't get past about 2 minutes. It may, however, be the most important video that world leaders, journalists, and others should see - but will not.


  1. It is a hard video to watch, but it helps to put things in context.

  2. Recently reported by CNN that Lebanese troops may join Hezbollah forces.
    Didn't Lebanon say that the reason they didnt wipe out Hetzbollah is becuase they were too weak to do so? Now they're ready to join?

  3. I think the Western (American) media needs to be a little more gruesome/honest in the portrayal of what is happening in this world.
