
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ezzie's Blog Roundup, 1/16/07: Jack Bauer

24 has started, as our J-blog Rebbetzins are noting, and I missed tonight's episodes. Argh. But, thanks to modern technology and some great friends, I did get to see the first two, and I'm sure I'll see the next two fairly soon. Some people have already seen the leaked 5 & 6, too. But, it's okay - at least there's some good stuff out there to read:
And remember: When bad things happen to good people, its probably fate. When bad things happen to bad people, it’s probably Jack Bauer. Once, someone tried to tell Jack Bauer a "knock knock" joke. Jack Bauer found out who was there, who they worked for, and where the goddamned bomb was. We're running out of time, so... beep. beep. beep. beep.


  1. Heeeyyyy!! What's this 'old' business! Lol!

    Ok, so it was 11 years ago, but do you really have to remind me?? ;D

  2. I have NOT seen the leaked 5 & 6. As with other TV shows I do not plan on following this one religiously -- although Serach doesn't understand how one can do that.

  3. Balaboosteh - LOL. Hey, I consider high school pictures "old"...

    Moshe - Ah, I thought you'd seen all six. M'bad - that must've been the other person we know who saw them in advance. She understands how one can do it... just not for 24. :)

  4. What are you doing up so late during busy season. Also, it's time you say something nice about the Bears

  5. GW - Why are you commenting on blogs during busy season!? :)

    The Bears are the 2nd-best team in the NFC, and congratulations to them on reaching the NFC Championship. May they avoid incredible embarrassment during their loss this week to the Saints... which is probably better than having the Colts beat them by 30.

  6. I am so out of the loop. I have never seen 24. In fact, I don't even have HBO. (Is that the channel it's on)? I have no idea about Jack Bauer. And I hate TV. (I must be some kinda weirdo).

  7. You are weird. I bet that you don't even know how to use a remote. Hee Hee. The good news is that even a gal from burning river can learn how.

  8. Rare Find is proud to be the only person on earth who does not like 24.
