
Friday, February 23, 2007

Old School, Girls Beating Up Guys, & Life Planning

Two great posts and a funny story out there:
  • The Seforim blog has this fascinating piece by Eliezer Brodt. (hattip: YH) Excerpt:
    In short, what the deleted material is as follows, he saw many people who had no business becoming teachers taking the job only for the money. He writes that he was a teacher and he would spend a few weeks trying to understand each student what was the best way to deal with him. Another thing he writes is the importantance that boys have a proper understanding of the Hebrew language; not that he has to be a baki in dikduk just to know the basics than it’s easier to learn chumash. Once the boy knows chumash only than should you go on to learn Gemara. When he begins this limud, be careful to go slowly so as not to over burden him. The main point is not to learn enmass, rather emphasis on making sure the student fully understands everything before going further.
  • A hilarious story from Israel, courtesy of Y. Medad - a few seminary girls beating up some yeshiva guys after one guy propositioned one of the girls.
  • R' Horowitz discusses (a while back) the need for yeshiva bochurim to plan out their lives. There's lots of great stuff there... here's two excerpts:
    And so, as my friends and I passed through our late teens, there was almost no home that was not filled with long, passionate sessions with our parents about TACHLIS, as in - "Vus vet zayn a tachlis mit deer"? (Loosely translated as, "What will become of you?"). Tears were shed on both sides. Mamorei chazal were quoted (mostly on our side) as we pleaded our case to allow just one more year of uninterrupted yeshiva study. And then another year. But at no time during the many discussions was there any thought of presenting no plan at all.They and their son agreed that he would learn full-time for a predetermined time after high school. It is now 6 or 12 months after the 'deadline'. Their son, begging for more time, pleads, "But Ma, I just started really getting into learning." His Rosh Yeshiva echoes the sentiment during discussions with the boy's parents. Coincidence? Of course not! Surely the maturity that comes with the passage of time and an acquired appreciation for the virtual Gan Eden of learning Torah lishma makes the third year generally more productive than the first.


    There is, however, another factor that makes the last year most productive - the simple fact that it is the last year. Any arbitrary deadline gets your adrenaline running and forces you to crank up your productivity several notches.


  1. Sorry, I'm not sure I find it hilarious at all (the sem girls beating up the guys). Kind of sad and depressing.

  2. From the article, it sounds like the girls only beat up the one guy, and that the fighting more or less ended once more guys entered the fray.
