
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Drop Everything

...and watch this. (Hat tip: Mara S.) WOW.

Two comments I especially liked and agreed with:
His speaking out poses more of a threat to AQ and the insurgents than anything we can throw at them. I pray God protects him and that other moderate Muslim Clerics follow his lead.

This video is simply amazing. Why isn’t this broadcast on America’s national news? It could turn a lot of heads and change a lot of viewpoints.
Note posted by the blog's host, Pat Dollard:
The cleric is not just from the region, but an Iraqi. His name is Iyad Jamal al-Din of Iyad Allawi’s party.


  1. Wow. I think he's right about the "slave mentality." Unfortunatly, that means that it will be years, if not decades, before things start looking better in the region. Look at how long it's taking us to move on from that in the US, and that wasn't even the majority of our population (not that it's the same issue exactly, but the point still holds). I think overall we're doing the right thing in Iraq, but it sure does look bad for now. Hopefully more and more people will see the sense of what he's saying, and things will start to get better.

  2. I think that it's *very* different now than compared to slavery, and it's the type of thing that could change quite quickly. Even comparing it to slavery: For the former slaves, freedom was incredible, save the actions of racists and whites not used to them having freedom. Iraqis are enjoying the freedoms (one of the most underreported stories ever) - but they're fighting against a sizable group that is against the very idea of a democracy. Those people need to come around by realizing that perhaps - just perhaps - this "freedom" idea is actually pretty good.
