
Monday, February 26, 2007

Drunk & Scantily Dressed Teens

There's a great post (and comments section) over at Orthomom. Excerpt:
Hey, I'm all for giving kids a little freedom - God knows that they need some, considering the constraints of attending 6 days a week of Yeshiva. But never without proper supervision, never without proper attendance to their safety. Is it easy to strike the right balance? Of course not. But getting it wrong can have dire circumstances. Too much freedom, and they end up on the streets without breaking any rules at all. Too many rules, they end up on the street simply to break them.

I'm just so scared, as my kids enter their teenage years, that I won't strike the right balance. Isn't everyone?
Heck, I am, and Elianna's not even a year old yet. Check out OM's post.


  1. Admit you chose the title just to drive up the hits!

  2. LOL

    It was obvious to me from the beginning. I just dident want to be the one to bring it up :)

  3. That is what I was going to say! Ezzie, now you're going to get a spike in hits!

  4. -->Drunk & Scantily Dressed Teens
    Those were the days.

  5. Thanks for the link, Ezzie. Scary stuff, no?

  6. Shmendrik - LOL, no... but I did think it would make it more interesting. :)

    HH - Yeah, you ALWAYS think I do that.

    SaraK - Hehe :P

    G - Wait, did I miss out on something?! Darn it!

    OM - My pleasure... and yes, it really, really is.

  7. no, just in this case when you post on Elianna, and probably a dozen other posts. Buts that not the point.

  8. annnnnnd, don't think I diden't notice you gave other commentators that said the same thing I did smiley faces, and not me.

  9. Ok man, I don't need you getting all freaky on me. A nice smile will do.

  10. I've left my comments by Orthomom, Harry Marlyes, and Jewboy. This is about parenting gone mad and entitlement gone wild.

    It is time to go back to the drawing board as parents and as a community because there are some serious failures, to start off with it is lunacy to send your teenage kids alone to Miami for break.

  11. Just sad. Sad, distressing, sickening, infuriating...
