
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ezzie's Blog Roundup, 5/08: 60 Years

Obviously much of the J-blogosphere today is focused on Israel's 60th celebration, so here are some worthwhile reads:
  • If you haven't seen it yet, Stam's Between Two Worlds is a perfect example of the struggle many of us go through living near the "middle" of the frum spectrum.
  • 60Bloggers is a compilation of posts from different J-bloggers about Israel in honor of its turning 60, including this one by Jameel about the youngest Israeli soldier ever killed (10 years old).
  • YidWithLid has a blog carnival in a similar vein.
  • Treppenwitz has the list of terror attacks before 1967, pretty much debunking the idea that it is caused by occupation.
  • SoccerDad decries the Times and Washington Post focusing (unsurprisingly) on everything but Israel's celebration.
  • BrightLightSearch talks about it from her own point of view, which is definitely different from the one most people would have.
  • And on the flip side, YeshivaWorld notes that the Eida Chareidis in Israel is banning foods which have Israeli flags on the packaging. I wish that were a joke.
Yom Ha'atzmaut Sameach!


  1. If you haven't seen it yet, Stam's Between Two Worlds is a perfect example of the struggle many of us go through living near the "middle" of the frum spectrum.
    *NOW* I know you liked it ;)

    And on the flip side, YeshivaWorld notes that the Eida Chareidis in Israel is banning foods which have Israeli flags on the packaging. I wish that were a joke.
    as mentioned in Stam's aforementioned post ;)

  2. Buncha wackos with nothing better to do. As Rafi mentions, they give a hecher to a company, taking their money and then club them with a ban.

