
Monday, December 18, 2006

How a Jew Celebrates Christmas


  1. This has become my new theme song!!!

  2. I linked to this post. That song reminds me of when I was a child. Back then, in prehistoric times :), there were only three commercial television channels and one educational one where we lived. So, if we wanted to watch tv on Xmas Eve, we had a choice of St. Pete's or St. Pat's.

  3. Why does my comment show up in the comment count and when you click on "Post a Comment," but not when you "open up the post?" Weird. Just a Blogger malfunction, I suppose. Maybe it'll appear later.

    Anyway, thanks for posting that delightful video, and Chanukah sameach to the gantzeh mishpocheh/whole family.

  4. Ah, *there's* that comment. Shutting up now, so someone else can get a word in edgewise. :)
