
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Not Such an Am Ha'aretz

I'm Haaretz, PhD, has a good post about the riots from a slightly different perspective. I disagree with part of it (see the comments), but the second half is right on. Check it out.


  1. Eh, I guess this as good a time and place to get your opinion on this theory.

    Was the riot illegal? Yes.

    Was the riot a demonstration of failure of leadership? Yes.

    Was the riot immoral? Yes.

    Was the riot a chillul hashem? Yes.

    Was there no benefit to the community? No.

    Honestly, any time a community flexes its muscles, it buys itself leverage in future encounters with authority. The loons on NYPD Rant can mouth off all they want, but you can bet that higher echelons of police brass and city hall have taken note of this incident. Given the relative calm and peacefulness that usually prevades the 66 precinct, a heavy handed police reponse is not likely.

    That being said, I think it is appropriate for Jewish community leaders to condemn the incident and work to prevent future such embarrassments.

    Whaddya think?

  2. This is what I responded to R2JB via e-mail:

    I think you're right. Sad that the world works that way, but in NY there is no doubt that there's no such thing as a hard-line stance against an individual community.
