
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ezzie's Blog Roundup, 4/25

I'm a bit too lazy, and it's a bit too late, to do a regular roundup here, but I'm in the process of looking to add more blogs to my reading list. There are a few blogs I'm reading that aren't on the 'roll yet - partly because I keep forgetting, partly because I wait until I'm reading something consistently before adding it.

Please, everyone, suggest good blogs for me to check out more often - especially your own, if you don't see yourself on my blogroll (yet)!!

Meanwhile, a few quick hits from some of the blogs that I've read the longest...
I knew I loved reading Shoshana's blogs, and I knew why BeyondBT is such a great blog, especially for BT's and the issues they face. Put them together, and... well, read it yourself.

When Jack gets serious, listen up. It's always deep and poignant. Yom HaShoah.

David and his wife celebrate 16 years. I should have Elianna learn from his daughter. :)

Stacey goes back to Cleveland... just minutes away from where I grew up. Nice.

Classic RenReb. Lots of good points within the rant, as always.

DovBear breaks down the problem with Jewish education in succint fashion.

Jameel on Yom HaShoah and names.

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