
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

When I Grow Up...

From SIL about my nephew, Ben.
Ben likes the animal-theme bathroom cups at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Cleveland.
Ben: When I'm an adult I'm going to get those animal cups -- if they're cheap.
SIL: Well, if they're so important to you, maybe you'll get them even if they're not cheap.
Ben: When I'm an adult, they're not going to be important to me.


  1. That is sweet but it makes me kinda sad!

  2. Actually, I find that to be the opposite of sad. We like to molly-coddle kids and prolong their childhoods for as long as possible (usually for selfish reasons). Self-awareness is one of the greatest things a person can have in his/her arsenal in the quest for personal happiness.

    When I look back at my younger years, the regrets I have are that I did not do enough of what I wanted to do THEN. Just because I didnt play with my ball enough when I was 4 dosent mean that that is what I want to do NOW. I just didnt take advantage of my desires/abilities at that moment in time.

    I have seen firsthand that self-awareness lets one take advantage of that moment. If you know what you have now, and will not have later, it makes the present all the more appreciable.

    Hopefully, Ben will maintain that awareness and always know what he's working at. Its a great thing.

  3. Ben sounds like a pretty sharp kid.

  4. xvi- does elianna want to play with knives and spit out licorice, now or will she miss doing it as an adult? :)

  5. Ben: When I'm an adult I'm going to get those animal cups -- if they're cheap.

    ::forcing back tears::

    It's so beautiful...::sniffle::...when family traditions are passed on to the next generation...::sniffle::
