
Friday, August 08, 2008

A Few Things

  • So in the end, what happened with the tickets from yesterday? My Dad gave the tickets to his partner and G's uncle L, who took his son g out of work and went to the game. I hope they were there for this play, which is one of the sickest catches I've ever seen. He doesn't even spin until the ball is 3/4 of the way there. And of course, since it's Cleveland, they got to sit through a thunderstorm delay.
  • R' Gil has a great post on "proving God" which is a worthwhile read. I always find it interesting to read stuff of R' Schubert Spero [quoted in middle], as he was the rav of the Young Israel of Cleveland [where my family has davened for half a century or so] for many years before making aliyah (and quickly being followed by a nice chunk of the shul). In a nice little connection, I sat next to R' Spero on the way to a wedding a number of years back - the wedding was a daughter of the person who answered my father's shailah about the tickets.
  • The Shabbaton is coming! For anyone who has still not registered for the BeyondBT/SerandEz Shabbaton next Shabbos (August 15th-16th, Shabbos Nachamu), you have until Tuesday to do so, though obviously the sooner the better in terms of knowing numbers. It promises to be a really nice Shabbos with great company, and we'd love to see you there. We have a nice crowd of people who read this blog on the guest list already, and we'd love to have some more. If you're interested or have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail myself at or BeyondBT at To register, e-mail BeyondBT. Hope to see you there!


  1. Another Jew dead!

    Why do these stories keep getting swept under the rug? The frum community has a substance abuse problem. Wake up and address it!

    Or is everyone waiting until it happens to MY child?

  2. Hey Jewinmyheart -

    As I mentioned in the other place I saw you posted this, obviously it is not being swept under the rug by the Orthodox - IS an ORTHODOX news site and they are reporting it.

    What more do you want?

  3. may have covered this story, perhaps because she was “just” some Lubavitcher kid who took a wrong turn – not one of “us”. How come did NOT report on the well known community leader whose post-mortem toxicology test was made public this week, revealing that he had cocaine in his system?
