
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thought for... Thought

I posed a question earlier today:
If ignorance is bliss, why don't we all choose bliss?
Chardal sent me an excellent response (slightly edited) which I really liked:
Ignorance is nothing. It is knowledge which can go either way.
Points worth pondering...


  1. I like Ezzies better.

    Noone that has ever known things remained happy.

  2. HH - Actually, you misunderstood - my point was that clearly we don't all choose ignorance, ergo ignorance must not equal bliss; certainly not always, likely not most of the time.

    And the latter is almost certainly untrue, or people would stop striving to learn more.... even you are constantly learning more, are you not?

  3. Your topic is touched on in Koheles. though "rov chochma" does not lead to bliss, the author concludes that it is, after all, as superior to ignorance or stupidity as the light is to the darkness.

  4. -->If ignorance is bliss, why don't we all choose bliss?

    Who says we have'nt?

  5. Do we necessarily want bliss at any cost?

  6. Ariella - Well put...

    G - I think that speaks for itself...

    Josh M - By definition a cost would reduce the bliss.

  7. "If ignorance is bliss, why don't we all choose bliss?"

    Because of ignorance?
