
Monday, August 22, 2005

Haveil Havalim #33

About a week and a half ago, I came across Haveil Havalim on Bloghead. Another blogger, Soccer Dad, is apparently the person who started Haveil Havalim. HH is essentially a 'Best of' some of the more interesting and/or relevant articles in the Jewish blogosphere. Not all - in fact, many - of the links have nothing to do with Judaism or Israel per se; but all were written by Jewish bloggers (I believe). Different people host each week as well.
I did not fully understand or appreciate Haveil Havalim when SoccerDad introduced me to it a week ago, but the past week I have been debating putting up a photoblog about the disengagement. I still probably will, as I specifically am looking to make a large collection of very striking pictures [no words except possibly some short captions], but HH has some very good series of photos that others have compiled, which are worth seeing in the meantime.
I hope to link to HH every week in the future, as looking at the archives it is consistently good. Enjoy!


  1. HH has some good stuff. I really enjoy it.

    BTW, congratulations on surviving Cleveland, that place is something else.

  2. Haha! I agree - how well do you know Cleveland? Maybe one day I'll post some of my experiences...

  3. The Shmata Queen has filled me on it. You can find her blog on my blogroll.
