
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Audio of Hespedim for R' Nachum Zev Dessler zt"l

Thanks to SB and EK for the links, and to EK for the pictures from the shloshim.

The hespedim from the levaya of Rabbi N.W. Dessler in Cleveland are available to listen to online (high quality) at ZionTrain; or you can download or listen to any individual hesped from all of the various levayas (Cleveland, Newark airport, and in Eretz Yisroel) from LocalJewishNews.
R' Matisyahu Solomon, shlita at Shloshim for R' N.W. Dessler zt"l

R' Nosson Tzvi Baron shlita at Shloshim for R' N.W. Dessler zt"l

R' Eliyahu Brodny shlita at Shloshim for R' N.W. Dessler zt"l

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