
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Olim Have Landed!

Hi All -

I haven't yet had the opportunity to properly blog and say what a truly wonderful time I had at the Beyond-BT/SerandEz Shabbaton Melave Malka -- it was really a pleasure meeting you all!

I have just returned home and put up my first blog post of a few, detailing my flight home, along with 240 others who were flying home for the first time.

May we be zocheh to many more flights -- or in the words of NbN Co-chaiman Danny Ayalon this morning -- Nefesh b'Nefesh hopes to bring over 100,000 olim from North America within the next few years.

You too can live the dream!

Regards from home,


Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


  1. Teenage Boys From Orthodox Brooklyn Families Arrested After Public Drinking, Partying

    I have posted a few times about this issue. I am shocked how many people keep saying “Yeah this is nothing new – it’s been going on since forever”. Who are we kidding? This is the THIRD TIME in a week that Frum kids have been ARRESTED upstate. No, in my days in the mountains this did not happen. Maybe there used to be one story during an entire summer and it certainly would have been the talk of the town!

    Now it is happening on a daily basis! (Kudos to Hamercaz news for not sweeping it under the rug!)

    WAKE UP!

  2. It is crazy -

    Is there something new in the water in the mountains this summer?

    These kids are out of control!

    At least the "frum" sites like VIN Yeshivaworld and Hamercaz are covering the stories. If we do not sweep it under the rug there is a chance something can be done about it.

  3. Okay, I dunno about those other comments above me, but -

    HI JAMEEL!!!!!
