
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Girls


  1. picasssaaaa!

    i love elianas dress!

  2. Notes: Elianna is holding someone else's Crackberry in Pic4. I - thankfully - do not own one.

    Kayla is wearing earplugs in Pic6, because we're at a wedding. I think about a half-dozen people suggested that she not be there until I'd point out the earplugs; then they were happily impressed. One still felt we should take her out, even with them. The volume at Jewish weddings is insane.

  3. ear plugs?? who sang at the wedding/band? (thats the important stuff.)

  4. Stam - We were at 4. Which do you want?

    I thought it funny that both of the last two were Nafsheinu at the same time.

    Last wedding had: The Bostoner Rebbe; the chosson and a couple friends rock out really nicely (hard rock) near the end; and a rapper at the very end. In a Chassidish hall.

    The first wedding was I think Neginah, because Ser's good friend's hubbie sang. But ask Moshe. :) Second wedding was a smaller band I'd never heard before.

  5. The second picture (the one of Elianna looking up) is actually kinda cool. It depicts her smallness next to all the grown-up feet. :)

  6. Where'd you find earplugs that fit Kaila's ears? My sister is into earplugs for her kids at weddings, but couldn't find a pair that fit her six month old.

  7. Kayla is only 2.5 months, but we actually found these in the drugstore, if I'm not mistaken. I'll try to locate the brand if I can. It comes in a pack of 12, but we've found that they're rather small, so we mush two together sometimes to make them bigger. (They go in the ear but NOT the ear canal.)

  8. HH - Just as many as you have, I have. :P

    Erachet - Yeah, I liked it. :)

  9. Mack's Pillow Soft Earplugs. They're meant for children 6 and under.

  10. Your kids are really cute.

    How did you create that? I am always trying to make a bigger picture out of a bunch of smaller ones.

  11. That's a good looking harem you've got there.

  12. Awwww.....yum
    I still maintain that you have way too much free time

  13. thanks for the earplug info!
    adorable family

  14. your wife is a HOTIEEEEEEEEE!

  15. So cute! Thanks for the pics. :-)

    I'm happy to hear you can get earplugs for babies. Everyone should know about this. I wear earplugs to weddings myself, but it's much more important for babies and small children, whose ears are still very delicate.

  16. LB - Picasa!! :D Collage, picture grid.

    SR - Why thank you. Sort of. :P

    SaraK - No no no. Silly SaraK.

    PN - You don't even know your own hand! You're in Pic 8. Pic 1 is Serach. See the ring/watch?

    Pleats - No prob. :)

    Anon - Er, thanks.

    B~M - I'm seriously considering bringing my own. Plus, I'd have an excuse for not hearing when Serach calls me.


  17. 5 pics of Elianna and 3 of Kayla, we're starting with the "second child syndrome" already... ;)

  18. SaraK - LOL! :P She's always sleeping!!

  19. elianna is seriously realllly cute!
    and i never heard of that whole earplug thing! good idea!

  20. Adorable. The kids look exactly like you. Scary. :)
