
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm Baack

On my way to my new job in "Hicksville" (not actual name, or current residence) I drive down "Main St" (actual name) for about three miles, and along the route are some interesting road signs.
Deer Crossing - okay, pretty normal so far... Even b'more had these

Motorists Must Yield for Guide Dog
- not the blind pedestrian, the dog. i can't even find an image of this online, i don't think they really even exist.

And my personal favorite.....
Tractor Crossing - you can't get more out of town than that. (i think this sign almost makes the commute worth it)
Personally, I was hoping for something more along the lines of....


  1. Stam,
    Driving through parts of the rural south gave us two examples to add to your collection in the posting. The first one read: "Road splits ahead--stay on the road" and the second one read: "If you can't read this sign you're driving too fast." I wonder how much the people who write these signs make?
