
Friday, February 22, 2008


Shalom everyone.

I am thinking of having a weekly LOST post. A recap and obviously we can talk about what on earth is going on on that island. I am curious first of all to know if there are any LOST fans amongst the readers (or am I the only LOST geek? :P). There is no point in posting about a show that nobody here follows.

Shabbat Shalom


  1. Eeees and I are BIG Lost fans. But don't post on Thursday night! Because I have class on Thursday night, I often don't get to watch the episodes until after Shabbos.

    The Wolf

  2. Don't worry, I'm thinking of posting on Sundays.

    Last nights ending came out of nowhere :)

  3. i'm totally for the discussion thread...and the ending was obvious 20 min in...

  4. **sigh**
    Yeah, I'm in too.

    anybody who has not started to this point...DON'T!!

  5. I watch Lost (and listen to two Lost podcasts...).

  6. in the post you must try and relate the episode to the weeks parsha. k?

    (i don't watch LOST though. not a geek like you.)

  7. I LOVE LOST. Yes, PLEASE. That'd be cool. I once wrote a post on Jewish themes in Lost. (here it is.)

  8. I'm a huge Lost fan. Best show in years.

  9. Chaim, you're the man. Holy, I would love it because last year, I had to follow someone else's Lost recap on one of those Lost blogs. It was good, but I felt weirded out by myself. I watch only one T.V. show and this is it. I will catch "The Office" replay, though, from time to time. I will say that I am disturbed by the big time gap between seasons and the fact that the show will be going on for so much longer. I'm happy to have an end point, but I don't know if I can handle all the twists and turns. I'm not a roller coaster fan and--at times--I get kind of TVQueasy. Complex show. Great acting.
