Happy Anniversary to us!!!
Wait, wait, wait...the MOTHER of someone who is thinking about moving in called to look into their child's prospective building.:::Sigh:::
That's priceless!
I heard a BBC interview yesterday in which a member of Hamas, a PhD, was comparing what is going on in Gaza to having two children locked in a room with nothing but a small piece of bread - what else could they do but begin to fight over the bread? This is obvious. Eventually they will figure out that they can share. Like the two children in the story, we must give residents of Gaza time to sort things out.
My parents, both Holocaust survivors, were locked in bunkers with five people per sleeping board and not even a crust to share among them. They never did what those two fictional children locked in a room see as the only thing to do. Throughout the millennia, Jews have been locked in ghettos and oppressed with hardly a slice of bread between them, and they too used sticks and stones. They used them to scratch letters on the floor to teach their children to read. They took that crust and found a seed on top that they could plant to grow more wheat. Did you ever hear the old Jewish tale, "Something From Nothing"?
To the Hamas PhD it is obvious that when two children with nothing but a small piece of bread are locked in a room, they will fight. And so the population in Hamastan fights. And when they run out of enemies to fight, they fight each other.
To Jews it is obvious that when two children with nothing but a piece of bread are locked in a room, they will ration the bread until they figure out how to get more bread or get out of the locked room.
To the members of Hamastan, it is obvious that when you are left with the hothouses abandoned by your enemies, you break it apart and loot and destroy it to show your frustration with your situation and erase anything that reminds you of your enemies.
To the Jews it is obvious that when you find parts and broken pieces, you try to fix them or use them to build something useful.
To the members of Hamastan, it is obvious that when you have a small, crowded, barren piece of land with nothing to recommend it, you fight until the world recognizes your plight. You bravely sacrifice lives to destroy the neighboring enemies to make room to expand into their land and their homes.
To Jews it is obvious that if all you have is a small, crowded, barren piece of land, you drain the swamps and make the desert bloom, sometimes sacrificing lives to help build a future.
To the members of Hamstan it is obvious that if you manage to get hold of resources or money, you use them to bolster your leaders and buy weapons to fight your enemies.
To Jews, it is obvious that if you manage to get hold of resources or money, you feed your children, build hospitals and schools, then businesses that can generate more resources and money.
One of us ended up with a country that in 60 years' time rivals countries many-fold its size and many times its age.
One of us ended up with nothing but fear and destruction, and blaming everyone else but themselves for their situation.
Which type of people would you rather have as a neighbor and a partner in this world?
~ Tzirel Shaffren
I was just thinking yet again today how people - particularly in areas such as NYC - live in such a one-dimensional world. I watched a short and cute video on YouTube by the New York Times' David Pogue (on the iPhone), and couldn't help but note that every single person they grabbed from the liberal and open-minded Times newsroom were similar in one way: They were all white, mostly in their 30's.
I couldn't help but notice a couple of days ago that the people who generally get up in arms about Walmart are people who live in such places as New York City... where there are no Walmarts... and yet they decry the negative impact on "subsets" who seem perfectly happy to have the jobs and savings Walmarts bring.
I couldn't help but note that the class of teens waiting for a train this morning from Midtown Manhattan [in the "most diverse city in the world"] was made up of almost all white kids, save one tall, lighter-skinned black kid, and I recalled that NYC is made up of neighborhoods of ethnicities - not what one would call a true melting pot. I wondered to myself if the average classroom in places such as Kansas, Kentucky, Texas, and Alabama have a higher percentage of minorities than the average classroom in an upscale NYC neighborhood.
And then I was reminded that the only places I seem to see a true mix of diverse backgrounds are places like the company I work in - a Midwest-owned large corporation, the kind that is constantly whined about by liberal "elites".
And I was yet again reminded why hypocrisy is one of the worst qualities of all.
Crazy stuff.
- (Hat tip: Mara S) The Shin-Bet allows a person they believe to be connected to Hamas into Gaza. The twist: He's a reporter for the BBC. But the BBC takes no sides, right?
- Fudge relates that the search is on for Mr. Twiddles. To all my Toledo readers, please keep your eyes out. He's... umm... reddish.
- Meryl Yourish does a quick comparison. I'm sick of hearing people say "No, that's how they always say it." No, they really don't. Kudos to Meryl.
- Talk about chumros. Chaim found a new one: It's not enough to be a man to be heard on the Israeli radio, you can't even sound similar to women now.
- DAG notes a sad mistake in the Yated... and they even have a drasha to explain it.
This post has been dedicated to all of the old SerandEz brothers- and sisters-in-law who, by next fall, will have all crossed that grand threshold of 30. You are now officially old, but it's okay: In our eyes, you've always been old. A special mazel tov to SIL, who says she is no longer counting after tomorrow, and Verv & DefenseMan, who are now over 60 together. As a note to the latter, you will be older combined than Dad by sometime next year. SIL & OD - you already are. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now THAT'S old.Youth, it must be granted, has its particular charm: the sense of boundless potential. “The charm and insolence of youth is that it is everything in potentiality and nothing in actuality,” wrote the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset. It is characteristic of young people to hesitate in the face of the seemingly infinite possibilities before them; they know that walking through any door will foreclose others and signal the end of their infinite potential.
Far more satisfying than preserving that sense of infinite possibility, however, is having made some choices and walked through one of those beckoning doors. Having actually done something, built a home with a life partner, and raised children is ultimately a lot more satisfying than fantasizing about whom one will marry or what one will do when he grows up.
- 10) Ariella notes a strange minyan.
- 9) IsraellyCool notes the really sick bias at CNN... even on their weather. Mind-boggling. (Example: Listing under Israel cities which haven't existed since 1948.)
- 8) Stacey returns to talk about her busy life. The good, the bad, the ugly...
- 7) David has the Rowling Uncertainty Principle. Personally, I love the bowl with all the memories best of all. :)
- 6) ~Sarah~ has a wish, courtesy of a country band.
- 5) Jack has a very good video.
- 4) Our BS, Eh? has a hilarious description of the making of cottage cheese from his daughter Thing 3.
- 3) He also questions people's inconsistencies.
- 2) At the Muqata, Jerusalem Cop guest-posts an incredible article by a Rav in Chicago explaining his making aliyah.
So imagine my surprise and consternation when I was on the bus with a friend at the end of the summer and overheard her conversation on the phone with someone else. "I had a great time here," she said, "but now I'm ready to go home." What?! I thought. What do you mean, "you're ready to go home"?! This IS home! Of course, thank G-d I had the tact to keep my mouth shut, but it got me thinking. Why was it that I knew that Israel was home, but she just thought of it as a nice place to visit? What differences were there between us that would lead to our disparate lines of thought?Akiva:
And then it occurred to me.
The 'policeman' is beginning to lose control of his grip, screams at him "you're not going anywhere!" and reaches over with his other hand to pull his steel billy club.Enjoy the guests... Jameel, Mazel Tov!
My friend calmly, with his other hand, pulls back his long black coat. You'll remember I mentioned he lived not to far from Jameel, there's a large firearm on his side (perfectly legal and licensed). He looks at the 'policeman' and says, "achi (my brother), are you ready to meet at the beis din lamala (the heavenly court), are you clean?"
It seems that JRants is now working again. I'm very happy to see that. While I use my RSS feed manager to see when my favorite blogs have been updated. I find that without Jrants I don't see anything else. It's good to see it back and I look forward to seeing new blogs which arent in my RSS feed reader.
* Feel free to disagree. I just notice that this seems to be the case not only in my family, but with each of my parents, with Serach's family, and with each of her parents... in addition to many other people we know.
- Finances
- Age
- Number of other children
- Personalities
- Location
- Education
YARKON FIELD, PETACH TIKVA - Like many baseball fans in the Jewish community I was excited to hear that
The game itself was OK; I was entertained, but I reserve judgment. The game was played on a Sunday when most of the league’s players did not arrive until the Friday immediately preceding. This led to some less-than-crisp play, especially by the Petach Tikva Pioneers, who were routed 9-1 by the Modi’in Miracle (the team I had chosen as my rooting interest because of their strong Met-ties with orange and blue as team colors and former Miracle Met, Art Shamsky, as manager). The 2B and SS had miscommunications about who would be covering the bag and dove into each other at one point going for a groundball; also, there was an embarrassing moment for the catcher, Michael Olsen (heretofore Two-Out Olsen), who after a strikeout in the 4th tossed the ball to the infield grass, as catchers customarily do, however this was only the 2nd out and allowed the runner to advance while he was making his way to the dugout, thus giving a unique twist to Catcher's Indifference. An acquaintance of mine who is playing on the Pioneers informed me before the game that the team had only met once before the game that Friday and had only had a single half-hour session serve as their “practice”.
Because of the one-sided nature of the game, it being the inaugural game, and its being televised on PBS this coming Sunday the managers attempted to get everyone into the game, especially the few players from
Former US Ambassador to Israel and now Israel Baseball Commissioner Dan Kurtzer threw out the league’s ceremonial first pitch, although the pitch was a weak one and sailed about 10-15 ft to the 3B side of home plate. This was symbolic of the day in general, a little off the mark, but could be good with a little improvement. The league was faced with unexpected interest for the game, it had anticipated a crowd of 1,000 and the day of the game announced expansion for an additional 1,000 (the attendance turned out to be in excess of 3,000). On the way to the game I joked with my brother that since this is Israel, the “expansion” would be accomplished by the use of Keter brand plastic chairs (those of you who have spent any amount of time in Israel know what I am talking about), as fate would have it I was exactly right, although they did use the nicer green ones instead of the cheap white ones; I was lucky enough to be there early to secure seating in one of the bleacher areas behind the backstop. Overall the field itself was very nice and the accommodations are comparable to a high school field, but nice.
Another setback was the sound system/ PA announcer which was fully functioning for 2 minutes and for the rest of the game was barely audible in my section, which was, as I mentioned earlier, not far away-being right by home plate. This made it hard to identify players, since their names are not on their jerseys, their numbers are not listed in the program, and I couldn’t hear the announcements.
Additionally, I have sat through many games in the summer sun at Shea Stadium, but the Middle-Eastern sun is a whole different ball game and I couldn’t help, but feel that some sort of shading over the spectator area would have been warranted and not unreasonable. Also, the league had hyped itself as being very fun-oriented in the style of many minor leagues. This was hardly the case; music was only infrequently played and the few between-inning promotions attempted came off as a little lame and disorganized, although the crowd seemed amused by the cliché’ dizzy-bat races. On the plus side, the environment was very family-friendly and tickets and concessions were affordable (50 shek for premium seating and concessions provided by Burgers Bar at their normal prices).
As the saying goes, Kol Hatchalot Kashot [all beginnings are difficult] and there is much to be positive about in this new league with what seems to be competitive talent, ranging from age 17 to 51 (yikes!) [League officials have compared themselves favorably with the level of A-Ball; I’m no scout, so all I can say is Major-Leaguers, they ain’t], and problems that are easily fixable. There was nothing uniquely “Jewish” or “Israeli” about the experience except for the singing of Hatikva, but as a baseball-lover, I, along with many other Americans-in-Israel will continue to follow and support this new league, but it remains to be seen how Israelis will take to it. I saw very few, aside from the media, and have no real basis to speculate whether they will warm up to this pastime of ours. But if need be I will keep you posted as the official SerandEz Israel Baseball Correspondent.
{Additional Notes: I caught the rebroadcast of the game later that night on Israeli TV and was moderately impressed with the coverage. The announcers were knowledgeable about baseball and did a decent job explaining the rules. Thankfully they did not attempt to apply new hebrew terminology, but rather transliterated the traditional english terms in their hebrew commentary. Also, managers were miked allowing viewers to hear their discussion in the dugout, to umpires, and, what I found most interesting, to the pitcher during a mound conference. Schmaltzy Line of the Day was awarded to the JNF rep. who waxed, between innings, about the Jewish-Israel connection to baseball since it is all about coming "home".}
As it's a Friday, if you feel like doing this one, consider yourself tagged. :)
- Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats
- Rascal Flatts' Skin
- Nickelback's If Everyone Cared
- Rihanna's Umbrella
- Um, those are the only ones stuck at the moment. So I turned on my Yahoo! channel and took one that was stuck a while ago: Daniel Powter's Bad Day
Meanwhile, the government is doing very little. The basic problems: People have free reign to the Brown home, and are therefore able to continue to supply them with whatever they need. They have access to the media. They have access to food and drink.Ed Brown and his wife, Elaine, have locked themselves off from the world on their own terms.
From behind the 8-inch concrete walls of their 110-acre hilltop compound, the couple taunt police and SWAT teams and play to reporters and government-haters with references to past standoffs that turned deadly. Residents want the Browns' circus to end before their small Connecticut River town becomes the next Ruby Ridge or Waco. ...
Ed Brown warned authorities they wouldn't take him alive: "We either walk out of here free or we die."
The Browns were sentenced in abstentia to 63-month prison sentences in April, after being convicted of conspiring to evade taxes on nearly $1.9 million in Elaine Brown's income and of plotting to disguise large financial transactions.
We've never really seen convicted felons just be able to hold press conferences," Halleran said. "There has to be a restriction of access to and from their property. If people can continue to visit them, to bring them supplies, with diesel fuel and food, they can stay there for a long time."Also important is that the US Marshal made the following statement:
Though they have refused to leave the compound, U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier insists he has no plans to raid it to make them serve their time and will instead seek a peaceful surrender.That's nice. So how's that working, eh?
Three-century-old manuscripts by Isaac Newton calculating the exact date of the apocalypse, detailing the precise dimensions of the ancient temple in Jerusalem and interpreting passages of the Bible--exhibited this week for the first time--lay bare the little-known religious intensity of a man many consider history's greatest scientist.The article is really interesting, and the website - from the Jewish National & University Library in Israel - is fascinating. It has the actual manuscripts from Newton, and while he was [I believe] a devout Christian, he spends quite a bit of time on the Old Testament, particularly the Beis Hamikdash (Temple). It's really interesting stuff.
Newton, who died 280 years ago, is known for laying much of the groundwork for modern physics, astronomy, math and optics. But in a new Jerusalem exhibit, he appears as a scholar of deep faith who also found time to write on Jewish law--even penning a few phrases in careful Hebrew letters--and combing the Old Testament's Book of Daniel for clues about the world's end. . . .
In one manuscript from the early 1700s, Newton used the cryptic Book of Daniel to calculate the date for the Apocalypse, reaching the conclusion that the world would end no earlier than 2060. "It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner," Newton wrote. However, he added, "This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail."
- 10) Aidel is having a rough go of things.
- 9) DAG on the strawberry "crisis". Heh.
- 8) Jewish Blogmeister interviews DafNotes. Very interesting.
- 7) Sarah with more beautiful pictures as always...
- 6) Treppenwitz questions what's wrong with collective punishment, particularly as we have collective reward. I've often wondered the same, particularly in certain situations.
- 5) Yet another reminder why we love Our Kids Speak, courtesy of the PT.
- 4) Chaim looks at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's yahrtzeit as a day of personal thanks.
- 3) Chana asks people to help put together a guide to NY/NJ. So far, it's interesting to see how people view their own communities and the ones they see.
- 2) Scraps thinks about some rough memories.
- 1) BeyondBT's R' Goldson follows up on the 'middle' posts. Excellent post. Excerpt:
With his characteristic eloquence, Rav Feldman laments a state of affairs wherein many Chareidim look down on Modern Orthodoxy as essentially irreligious while many Modern Orthodox prefer the company of irreligious Jews to that of Chareidim. Instead of looking toward the vast ocean of halacha and hashkofoh we have in common, we pick on the few differences, magnify them beyond proportion, declare they are symptomatic of some profound spiritual contagion, and keep our distance lest we or our children become infected by the ideological illness of the other side. Frum Jews to the right or the left of us are not our enemies.
Fairfax County middle school student Hal Beaulieu hopped up from his lunch table one day a few months ago, sat next to his girlfriend and slipped his arm around her shoulder. That landed him a trip to the school office.
Among his crimes: hugging.
All touching -- not only fighting or inappropriate touching -- is against the rules at Kilmer Middle School in Vienna. Hand-holding, handshakes and high-fives? Banned. The rule has been conveyed to students this way: "NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!!!!!"
It's a packed Shabbos at SerandEz, even though Shoshana skimped out. An unsurprising 6 or more guests tonight, 9 or more tomorrow... and almost all female between the ages of 19 and 25. Anyone have ear plugs? Have a wonderful Shabbos!
- 4) OC has an interesting article detailing some of what's going on in Gaza... and why the people there suddenly want Israel back.
- 3) NoyG sums up his feelings on Gaza very well. His last line - about being thankful that there are no Jews still there - is an important lost point in this. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out, but surely it is a plus from the Israeli side in the present that there are no Israelis there.
- 2) Kefirot on depression.
- 1) Daled Amos (over at SoccerDad) has a very good post with a great line by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal that I somehow missed:
According to the Globe, Israel is to blame both for its "occupation" and for having ended it--the latter of which "allowed Hamas to bid for power." But "the people of Gaza" are innocent victims. It somehow escapes the Globe's notice that Hamas came to power because Palestinians voted for it. The Globe denies that Palestinians are responsible for their own actions, and thereby dehumanizes them under a pretense of compassion.
Sick. It is mind-boggling how slanted the BBC is. A good, simple response by Israel:The BBC apologized this week for referring to Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and promised not to repeat "the mistake," following a complaint by four British organizations.
Arab Media Watch, Muslim Public Affairs Committee, Friends of Al-Aksa and the Institute of Islamic Political Thought sent a joint complaint to the BBC after a presenter on its Football Focus program on March 24 mentioned that Jerusalem was Israel's capital and "historic soul."
In a letter to the complaining NGOs, Fraser Steel, head of editorial complaints at the BBC, said: "We of course accept that the international community does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and that the BBC should not describe it as such. I was therefore pleased to see that Katherine Tsang [BBC Information adviser], when she wrote to you in April, acknowledged the error and apologized for it. [Presenter] Steve Boulton and other senior managers in BBC Sport told us they very much regret the mistake and apologize for it.""Senior managers will try to ensure, as you suggest, that the mistake is not repeated. Because it appears on the Web site, there will be a public acknowledgement of the error, and the action taken in consequence."
Steel added: "I'd like to add my apologies for this most regrettable, but I'm sure accidental, factual mistake. I appreciate that the status of Jerusalem is of particular concern to Palestinians, and it is important that it is not misrepresented. I am confident that lessons have already been learned, and they will be emphasized as a result of my decision."
Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said in response: "Jerusalem is Israel's capital. It is the right of every sovereign state to determine which city will be its capital."
I loved working at the old kosher stand when I was 17, 18 years old, along with Pobody's Nerfect & Groovin'. Either Earl or Tom (whichever could come) would man the beer, while Groovin' took care of the sodas and chips and getting us supplies; Pobody would do the grilling after I'd come early and grilled the first 150 or so, and I would switch over to cashier and management, basically. We'd pull in about $2,500-$4,000 a night (of which we would get about $75-85/game - I made $1,800 on 22 games the last summer) which would go to the Jewish Federation [EDIT: My mother reminds me that while the Federation may have run the stand, the money may have actually gone to some charities. I *do* know that they didn't pay us, but rather gave the money to our schools, and our parents would pay us based on what they no longer had to get the school for 'give or get' or some such thing.], we'd get free hot dogs and unlimited fountain soda (Dr. Pepper is the best fountain soda), and we'd get to see the games sporadically when there was no line and from after we closed down in the 7th inning. The stand we manned was in the upper deck right behind the plate, which obviously is a great spot; they had a lot of come-from-behind wins back then, so that was a nice bonus.Kosher Hot Dogs are available once again at Jacob's Field.
Starting Sunday, June 17th (Father's Day) kosher hot dogs will be available at the new Nak-Nik hot dog stand at Jacob's Field. The stand will feature the Abeles & Heymann (OU-Glatt) hot dogs, which are considered the premium kosher hot dogs in NYC.
The stand is under the kosher supervision of Rabbi Granatstein of Green Road Synagogue, and the hot dog equipment will be locked up when not under supervision.
The stand will be ran by Gazi Fedur, the Lebanese Christian man who owns the Subway at the JCC, and will feature special toppings including Tibor's beef-fry. Tibor's Italian Sausage will also be available. The stand is located on the first base side near the subway, and there will be on-site Hashgacha at all times.
Special thanks for Earl Lefkowitz and Tom Sudow who created the original concept, and brought kosher hot dogs back to Jacob's Field. Earl currently markets kosher bison meat across the US and Tom is the Executive Director of the Beachwood Chamber of Commerce.
You Rule, O Wise Bloggers of the J-Blogosphere! You are truly the paragons of insight, pointing out flaws that nobody has ever noticed before. Without you sitting there at your computer, furiously typing away, how would we know what we're doing wrong and what's wrong with our communities? How else would we know what causes the shidduch crisis, why charedim are so messed up, or that yeshiva tuition needs to dropped for anyone to afford it? Who else would tell us that Arabs are evil lying terrorists or that the right is a bunch of brainless Bush backers? Thank you for your clear, level-headed discussion that never resorts to empty rhetoric, O Pundits of the People of the Book. We are jealous of your ability to project perfection from your anonymous soapbox - while putting down everyone else with your admonishments - and are awed by the mockery you compose of everything which Judaism holds dear. As thanks, we are providing you with a present: A phone line with no annual contract, which is just like having no personal responsibility or consistency. You know, kinda like the comments and opinions you express while blogging: All of which you take no responsibility for and which are constantly changing according to your whims - or whatever might get you a few more hits. You Rule, O J-blogger.I tag Chana, OurBSeh, Moshe, TheApple, Sephardi Lady, and Erachet. And if anyone else wants to, they can do it, too.
- 8) RafiG has the ADL's great ads on the British boycott.
- 7) Our BS, eh? writes an open letter to Air Canada about their movies.
- 6) Steg debates (again) whether he should get smicha. He just wants to teach Tana
ckh!- 5) Chana thinks that television has a wonderful effect on our lives. I think it can be used for the positive, but inherently is negative/neutral for most people. But it's an interesting discussion.
- 4) For anyone looking to study in Israel, BeyondBT has a post about the scholarships available. Great resource.
- 3) Meryl on the double-standard of the world's reaction to deaths in Gaza.
- 2) R' Gil has a great post on da'as ba'al habatim. Heh.
- 1) TheMiddle (Jewlicious) has the post of the day with his post about what's going on.
- Wolf sees the signs of the times: Did you know that 80% of divorces are because of computers!? Sad.
- Treppenwitz's daughter gets an eerie scare from the Holocaust. Weird.
- Fudge notes that The PT is on to her. Hilarious.
- FWQ starts a series on whether someone can wear a hat on Shabbos... isn't it carrying? Interesting.
- Life-of-Rubin has a roundup of some good J-music posts/videos.
- Jewish Blogmeister has a roundup of some other good posts.
The Human Rights Watch organization Wednesday condemned Hamas and Fatah for committing "serious violations of international humanitarian law, in some cases amounting to war crimes" in violence in Gaza in recent days.Of course, the main impetus for this was the deaths of Palestinians, not Jews, but hey - it's something, right?
It also took the Islamic Jihad and the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades to task for a June 9 incident in which gunmen used a jeep bearing "TV" insignias to allow them to approach and attack an IDF post in southern Israel, calling it a "serious violation of the laws of war."
- Sephardi Lady discusses the Jewish Observer's articles on tuition, including R' Y. Kaminetsky's responses from long ago;
- The Apple writes about her first week working as a Congressional intern - the work and the life.
- R' Ally on asking a Rabbi your questions personally.
- Jameel has election predictions for Israel's Labor Party and President.
I've got plenty to say on the subject, but most of it has already been said. I believe that it is much wiser in the long-term to divulge both the positives and negatives of a person in a biography of them unless you're noting specifically that you're focusing on certain aspects of a person. Not only does their overcoming obstacles inspire others, but glossing over these negatives has a profound impact on how people view history and how people are supposed to and expected to act.
- Harry Maryles on R' Nosson Scherman's interview;
- S. on the same interview;
- and Mishmar with a much broader discussion on the pros and cons of divulging the negative aspects of a gadol's past.
- Jack has a picture of my tattoo. Heh.
- Shoshana's brother goes on Birthright... and is only marrying Jewish. Awesome.
- Daled Amos with a couple of excellent posts. The first links to an excellent, mind-boggling article in the New York Times Week in Review about jihad called "The Guidebook for Taking a Life". It's probably a lot of fun to be interviewing people about jihad and then have them debate whether to kidnap and kill you.
- The second is a video that's so good I'm reposting it below.
- I also posted Childhood of Potential II, which is a continuation from last week's post.
They count between three and 18 lives that would be saved by the execution of each convicted killer. ...Personally, I think I'd be in favor of the death penalty even if it were only a question of one life being saved by it; I see no reason to spare convicted murderers' lives and have absolutely no sympathy for them. That DNA and other evidence is overturning convictions is wonderful, but I think that because we now have that technology we'll have fewer and fewer mistakes in the first place, so this will no longer be an issue. I may be biased in that I don't see how it's possible that it wouldn't deter crime; not only is it less likely to have idiotic releases of criminals (the infamous Illinois release is estimated to have cost 150 lives in the just six years since it happened), but [for example] criminals who already would be getting 25 to life if caught would have no disincentive to stop them from killing a person if they felt that person was a threat."Science does really draw a conclusion. It did. There is no question about it," said Naci Mocan, an economics professor at the University of Colorado at Denver. "The conclusion is there is a deterrent effect."
A 2003 study he co-authored, and a 2006 study that re-examined the data, found that each execution results in five fewer homicides, and commuting a death sentence means five more homicides. "The results are robust, they don't really go away," he said. "I oppose the death penalty. But my results show that the death penalty (deters) — what am I going to do, hide them?
Something very cool: My father got 4 tickets to tonight's first ever HD-3D showing of a major sporting event. The Cavs gave away 14,000 free tickets to people to come see tonight's game - which is in San Antonio - at the "Q" in Cleveland, with an added twist: They are placing four large screens on the court which will project the game in a high-definition 3D view (everyone will get not-as-dorky-but-still-dorky glasses to be able to see it) on the court - to the fans in the stands, it will look like the game is being played right there in front of them. It's a really cool concept and will surely be interesting to see if it's good enough to sell tickets to in the future... while obviously the technology itself is amazing and will have an interesting impact in lots of fields.
- Haveil Havalim #120 is up at SoccerDad!
- Chana has an excellent post on honesty and the past...
- ...while RafiG has a great one on honesty and the future.
- Treppenwitz has a few PSA's for everyone which are important.
"You know, I had to convince WITS to accept you. They weren't sure they wanted to."I was flabbergasted. I didn't know what to think: Huh?! WITS? How was that possible? I was... I was the best kid in the class! I was smart! I was a good kid, never did anything wrong, never really got in trouble... My brother had not only gone to WITS, but he'd just spent most of the next five years in their Beis Medrash, had been the dorm counselor, had won the award they gave out for to people who exemplified middos (and I was nicer than him, ha!), and everyone knew that WITS liked taking brothers, barring trouble with the older one(s). How could this be?!
"They know you're smart and a really nice guy, but they think you're lazy. You don't put any effort into anything you're doing. They were going to reject you based on that. But I told them that that was their job - they need to teach you not to be lazy. They need to challenge you - I can't do it here in this class, but that's their job, their responsibility for the next four years. I kept pushing for you, and they finally agreed to take you and try. But you need to do it - you can't be lazy there, you can't do what you've been doing here. You have the greatest potential, but you need to learn to try."Welcome to the most hated and repetitive word of my life. Potential. 3 [spit]