
Thursday, June 14, 2007

You Rule!

I've been tagged by Krum to write a mock YouRule! ad (see his post for why and the details) for Virgin Mobile, and his was pretty funny, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Of course, I'm not anonymous, so I can't be as mean as I'd like to be, but I'll try anyway. If you're offended, well... that's the point. Laugh it off!

Hmm... it was hard to pick a community, so I'm cheating a bit. [Hey, I'm not anonymous, give me a break.]

Here we go...
You Rule, O Wise Bloggers of the J-Blogosphere! You are truly the paragons of insight, pointing out flaws that nobody has ever noticed before. Without you sitting there at your computer, furiously typing away, how would we know what we're doing wrong and what's wrong with our communities? How else would we know what causes the shidduch crisis, why charedim are so messed up, or that yeshiva tuition needs to dropped for anyone to afford it? Who else would tell us that Arabs are evil lying terrorists or that the right is a bunch of brainless Bush backers? Thank you for your clear, level-headed discussion that never resorts to empty rhetoric, O Pundits of the People of the Book. We are jealous of your ability to project perfection from your anonymous soapbox - while putting down everyone else with your admonishments - and are awed by the mockery you compose of everything which Judaism holds dear. As thanks, we are providing you with a present: A phone line with no annual contract, which is just like having no personal responsibility or consistency. You know, kinda like the comments and opinions you express while blogging: All of which you take no responsibility for and which are constantly changing according to your whims - or whatever might get you a few more hits. You Rule, O J-blogger.
I tag Chana, OurBSeh, Moshe, TheApple, Sephardi Lady, and Erachet. And if anyone else wants to, they can do it, too.


  1. I was wondering if they had them outside of the UWS. Those ones are so absurd. And somewhat patronizing.

  2. Ezzie, I'm surprised that you'd agree to propogate this meme. It seems to me to be merely an excuse for lashon hara, disguised as wit. Since when is it ok to blast communities just for the fun of it?

  3. Annie - I think they're meant to be...

    SJ - I disagree, at least in the way I did it. I don't think you'll find that my lines are anything more than somewhat funny criticisms of some of the more negative aspects of the J-blogosphere... but I don't think that criticism = lashon hara.

  4. Ezzie, you're right in reference to your own version, but in general I think it's a dangerous thing to spread, because not everyone will have the sensitivity to do it in a harmless way. To my mind, the concept itself is a negative one, and even though you may not do anything wrong, others easily could.

  5. While I hear what you're saying, that's part of why I tagged responsible people. (Except that first loser. :P ) I think they can give humorous, responsible critiques of cities/groups without getting too negative.

  6. I see where SJ is coming from but, I have to say, I thought you did an excellent job. A perfect mockery, IMHO.

  7. As an administrative note, I won't allow comments to be made about other commenters (particularly where those comments are completely untrue and make incorrect assumptions).

  8. Far be it from me to accuse you of propagating a meme (this must be some new high tech high crime), but this stuff is dumb.

  9. Ezzie-I appreciate the tag. . . . but I just don't have the time this week. :)
