
Friday, June 22, 2007

Click! (Elianna)

For all those who have been to SerandEz, you know what this is. For all those who haven't... suffice it to say that she can do this much louder than she does here. It's amazingly hilarious. :) (Oh, and you gotta love the shimmying...!)


  1. SOOOO CUTE and talented! I still can't figure out how on earth she learned to do that one!

  2. okay okay i watched it even though im at work, and i MUST admit that is adorable!!!!!!!! very talented daughter you've got there, her and ami will make a great couple :)

  3. (btw, that makes me eliannas future aunt)

  4. Ooooh she's so shmooshy! Yummy! And also talented! Sooooooo cute!

  5. too funny! but the video does NOT do her justice. she's way cuter and funnier in person!

  6. That is amazing. Our neighbor's baby does the same thing with her tongue.

    BTW- Is that Jiminy cricket singing in the background?

  7. my bonzy!!
    she's just too yum.
    (she would have clicked a lot more if i'd have been there....)
    now you have to get all her other tricks on the blog!

  8. I humbly ask permission to eat your baby. Please? She's just so yummy! I miss her (and you guys too of course)!

  9. Ezzie,

    Keep your baby away from all these women or you wont have a daughter left.

  10. Is the next video going to be titled "Hi! (Elianna)"? Have a great Shabbos.

  11. cute. that's a good clickety click noise.

  12. Hi,

    My wife and I both enjoyed the clicks. We are now training Naomi (that's the one year old) to do the same.

  13. Awwwww! She's just adorable! I want to eat those cheeks, and the dancing and clicking is soooo cute. :)

  14. Oh wow! So cute! They should make Eliana dolls and when you pull the string, she clicks!

    But, really, she's sooooo cute!

  15. Ezzie, I've got to tell you...yes, it's most adorable now. But just wait -- my daughter's friend, who is 10 1/2 still makes that "click" noise...a very LOUD, IRRITATING "click" noise. She's taught my 7 year old to make that "click" noise.
    Maybe it'll soon be time to deprogram Elianna...
