
Sunday, May 07, 2006

Poetry & Mazel Tov

The lights arent brighter,the tastes any sweeter
Don't know what im feeling, but I like when I meet her
We have little fun but we talk for hours
I think I'm beginning to feel cupid's powers
Is it real is it fake, there's no way I can know
So for now at least Im gonna take it slow
Some people get lucky and I one of them?
Halevai, Gam Zu Letovah, Im Yirtzeh Hashem

- Yitz "Doc" Goldstein, Feb. 26th, 2006
Now, just a few short months after that whirlwind first week of dating, our close friends Doc & Mati Feinerman are engaged. (No, we did not set them up, but dammit, God knows we tried!) It's impossible to express in a simple blog post just how special these two people are, and Mati likely wants to kill me for what's already here, but suffice it to say that we love them dearly. :)

No - let me add one more point. About six months ago, I wrote this about other friends of ours...
I'm confident that they will end up happily married to great people, because they themselves are great people.
Being a mensch and being yourself are the two most important things - in dating, in marriage, in life.
I'm proud that most of my friends can be both at the same time.
Doc & Mati epitomize this. Mazel Tov, guys. May you always be such incredible friends and inspirations - both to each other and to all of us.
Love, Us


  1. Ma ze? Are they paying you for airtime or something? You should be talking about something important (I don't know, make something up). Yalla, next post to something we can actually blog about.

  2. HH - Sha! :) You'd really like them, btw. Go comment on the stuff below - just because it was posted before midnight doesn't mean you're not allowed to read it! ;)

  3. Mazal Tov!!
    what a gorgeous couple!!!

  4. if you tried to get one of these a Shidduch you brought him/her one step close to each other!

  5. Prag - We tried to set THESE two up! But one of them wasn't dating yet...

  6. That's why you gotta give a nudge...but seriously, the fact that EVERYONE thought that they would be good for each other shows how perfect they are as a couple!

  7. R&A - Yeah, you guys did a great job. :)

    And yes, they are!

  8. Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! Wow it looks like I was wrong it doubting the validity of a date in Ezzie and Search's home!

  9. Yay for everyone!!! Ezzie and Serach, even though you didnt set them up you can set other friends up hint, hint, even though I am not in NY...Back to writing my finals.

    PS Put more pics of Elianna!

  10. Blueenclave - nice catch. :)

    Shua - You're always wrong. :)

    Blitz - Yes, yes, we're well aware...!

    And there are more on OS!
