
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Psalm in a Bog and Stupid People

(Hat tip: SIL)

WorldNetDaily has a very good article about the recent find of a Psalms from over 1,000 years ago to Psalm 83, which pleads for God to let Israel beat its enemies who wish its destruction. It's a worthwhile read, so check it out. It also points to a (Christian made, with music) video which is very well done, which uses images and the words for a nice little video.

As an aside, I saw in the article one of the dumbest comments I've probably ever read. I'm not one of those who jumps onto these kinds of stories and thinks, "Oh, wow, they found an old Psalms, that must mean Israel is going to win!" etc. It's very nice, and there's something to take from every story, but to me that is the extent of it. But the following comment was absolutely mind-boggling:
"For this to have been an act of God, God would have to have been all-knowing, foreseen this very conflict roughly 1,000 years before it occurred, foreseen the bog market, foreseen the use of power tools, foreseen the individual working the equipment and ensured this particular one was working that part of that bog that day, have created the book of its various parts (leather, the paper within) in the first place, have placed it in that place for 1,000 years of earthquakes and various other acts of God, foreseen the person who purchased the land would happen to be of the save artifacts mindset (not common among money-hungry landowners) and foreseen the need to it open to that page on that day. I don't know, seems all haphazard to me."
ARGH!! You... idiot!!! This is GOD we're talking about!! He "forsees" EVERYTHING! That's the *&%*&^ point! Sorry. I couldn't help but wonder at the brains behind that one... especially the "God would have had to been all-knowing." Umm, hello?!


  1. I have a funny visual of G-d smacking his forehead in disbelief with this commenter...

  2. It was open to tehillim 84, not 83. See

  3. I couldn't help but wonder at the brains behind that one...

    what brains?

    (and jh... lol!)

  4. JH - LOL!

    Chaim - No, apparently that's not true. It actually was on 83... one of the places that picked it up picked the wrong one to translate, and now people are thinking it was 84.

    Sarah - LOL

  5. I like the part where they say that G-d would have had to have had the psalter designed to last through 1000 years of "acts of G-d". Hello!

    See the comment thread for A miss is a mile on for a full discussion of the 83 or 84 controversy.

  6. I would point out that the psalm is a Christian translation, not the original Hebrew.

  7. Hey! Nice to read you again-sorry its been so long, but it was worth missing your blog to volunteer with the IDF- hope you don't mind too much! (HA!)

    One of the soldiers pointed out psalm 83 to me when I was over there and it's great. That little video that the christians put together is pretty cool too.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading your blog again regularly-

    Take care, A.

  8. According to A-7, it was on Psalm 84.
