
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Update on Rabbis and Money Laundering Scam

This scandal, involving Rabbonim, especially among the Syrian community in Deal, NJ and Brooklyn, money laundering, and bribing political figures, including mayors from New Jersey, is just horrible. As Rea emailed me:
Gotta love when people hold “yea, it’s muttar to steal from goyim”. What idiots.
It's not even just money laundering, either:
... was accused of enticing vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 and then selling the organ for $160,000.
Sick. The FBI has made 30 arrests so far, pictures are on (via Tzvee), and it's just sad - and so, so wrong. Idiots.

Another update, via VIN - look how shtark they were, learning so much Gemora:
On or about February 5, 2009, the CW received an
interstate telephone call in New Jersey from defendant FISH in
New York, during which defendant FISH and the CW discussed
“gemoras”--a code word used by defendant FISH to refer to cash.
Defendant FISH was informed by the CW that “I have some . . .
gemoras or whatever, you know.” The CW further told defendant
FISH that the CW had “[m]aybe 25 or something,” a reference to
$25,000 in cash. Defendant FISH replied “[i]s that all? That’s
all?” In response, the CW stated “[y]eah, I think. Maybe, uh,
more. But so far that’s what I have.” The CW then asked
defendant FISH “get me the, you know, the name for the gemora,
and then I’ll take care of it.” Defendant FISH then asked “when
do you want to learn,” a coded reference to when the money
laundering transaction would occur. The CW replied “Tuesday’s
fine.” At the conclusion of the conversation, the CW asked
defendant FISH to “[l]et me know-–Sunday, Monday, the name of the
gemora,” in order to find out to what organization or individual
the CW should make out the $25,000 bank check. Defendant FISH
agreed to let the CW know.
Nice. Ugh.


  1. The whole deal with the selling of organs is just a new level of Chillul Hashem. It's crazy. I could write more, but won't. The sad part is that I'm sure I'll hear at least one joke about this over Shabbos.

  2. My fave. comment on VIN

    "i dont know what to say anymore....maybe the community needs to focus elsewhere rather than on strawberries..."
