
Monday, November 24, 2008

Can they be serious?

You have to be kidding me...


  1. how did you even find that site?

  2. Dunno if this is how she got it, but I got a (chain? blogger? not sure) e-mail yesterday from Mrs. Rubashkin about this.

    Had much the same reaction as this post.

  3. Okay, actually was forwarded to me, I see now. Here's the text of the e-mail:

    An open letter from:
    Hindy Light (Rubashkin)

    Imagine if I were to tell you that there was a well to do family that
    was going through a financial crisis. That they were on the verge of losing everything they worked their whole lives for c'v. That within the next few days a judge could decide to take away their business, their homes....c'v. Imagine if I were to tell you that a family that once lived a life of comfort was now collecting funds to pay for their
    father's legal fees. Imagine if I were to tell you that there were
    tens of families who are about to lose their livelihood and become
    sudden paupers. Wouldn't you be horrified and do everything you can to help them? Well now - STOP IMAGINING!

    This is happening right now! Right in front of your eyes. Not to any
    family. It's happening to MY family and as jews it is happening to yours as well!

    I am begging each and every one of you to go to
    and sign the petition. But please don't just sign it. Send it out as a chain email. Let's use our ability to help someone in need. This petition can only help if there are at least 10,000 signatures - YOU can make it happen. Please SPREAD the word!

    May we hear besuros tovos now!

    Hindy Light (Rubashkin)

  4. Same as Ezzie - from an e-mail (probably a chain). The subject line was "a mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim," so I thought it was a Jonathan Pollard-related request.

  5. Heh. I've gotten many of those, too. (Groan.)

  6. You probably got that from me. I forwarded it because I got it from from Rabbi Shafier so I assumed it is a good cause. Although I'm not so sure how effective these online petitions really are.

  7. I think I also got it from R' Shafier. I was a bit surprised to see him forward it, too.

  8. Runs and TBT - Tiferes B'Nei Torah.

  9. Wouldn't you be horrified and do everything you can to help them?

    Not necessarily...or am I not allowed to ask 'why' the mentioned things are happening?
