
Friday, September 15, 2006

What kind of blogger are you?

Posted by Soccer Dad
The way I figure it, there are five primary kinds of bloggers.

1) The linker. Instapundit, of course, is the best example of this. Sure he writes commentary. But a lot of his commentary stands because of what he links to (and thus deems important).

2) The essayist. Bloggers like the Gates of Vienna who generally write longish essays anaylzing issues of the day.

3) The storyteller. Treppenwitz is a good example of this. While he may have commentary its usually couched in the form of a story.

4) The quick hit artist. Meryl Yourish (and her co-bloggers) and Mere Rhetoric are very good at this. They take an article (usually no more than a paragraph or two) and add a relevant critique in just a few sentences.

5) The editor. This blogger doesn't write much of his or her own but quotes extensively from articles. Crossing the Rubicon2 is my idea of an editor.

Of course there are hybrids. Ezzie seems to be a cross (mostly) between a storyteller and a linker. I tend towards linking and essaying. (Though I really envy the quick hit artists.)

So for those of you bloggers out there, what kind of blogger are you? Did I miss any types? And for those who read blogs, what kind of blogs do you enjoy reading the most?

UPDATE: I see from the comments that I should have been clearer. My question was meant more as "What skills do you employ for blogging?"

I believe the "ranters" and "venters" are indications of style, not skills.

But Sarah is correct. I left out "photo-bloggers." Look at hers or Not Quite Perfect (coincidentally also from down-under) and you see that they're primary skill used in blogging is art. So maybe "art-blogging" would be better, but point taken. I guess that's six then.

My point in asking the question wasn't simply idle. It's something I've been grappling with. Though my readership has been growing, it hasn't grown as much or quickly as I'd like. So the question is am I blogging to my strengths. What I enjoy doing is writing, but am I perhaps a better linker or editor instead of essayist? If I did more linking would more people read me?

Irina, I view you as story teller and Shoshanna I'd agree that you're an essayist. (Though your skydiving story was great.) And of course Jack is a Jack of all trades. He's the ultimate hybrid, when it comes to blogging.

Technorati tag: .


  1. You definitely forgot the ranters and venters...

    I used to be (and on occasion still am) an essayist... it's one aspect of blogging I want to get back to.

  2. Also,

    The Gourmet: blogs sparingly, but only high quality.

    The Gourmand (like myself) whose blogging runs from high quality to low humor.

  3. I see ranting and venting as styles that could apply to either the essayist or the quick hit artist.

    Of course I could simply say that this wasn't meant to be scientific.

  4. I'm pretty sure I'm an essayist.

  5. I guess I would fall under a storyteller/essayist combo. Great question! Almost time for shabbat...shabbat shalom...

  6. I'm a mix of everything. Sometimes I link to things/articles, sometimes I write my own observations, and sometimes I just rant. And tell stories. I think I'm a mixer-upper...

  7. i'm a photoblogger (not in your top five!) with the occasional story or something.

  8. I would call myself an essayist. Maybe a storyteller on occasion.

  9. I'm a "weaver". I like to weave the past into the present. But Ezzie never visits me anymore :(

  10. CM - And one of the best at it, too. I commented by you... hmph. Of course I still visit!!

  11. And here I thought I was an essayist. Go figure. :-)

  12. Give me some spinach and let's see what happens.

  13. Jack, no e.coli spinach for you. ;)

    I'm more of a quick hit and researcher blogger. I post facts, comment on them, then have a martini.

  14. Jack, no e.coli spinach for you. ;)

    Nope, not into that kind of crap. ;)

  15. I have no idea what I am hence the reason I'm currently in therapy (joke). In truth I'm certainly a combination of sevral of the types you listed. not really the story telling type by even that I do occassionaly.

  16. soccerdad: thank you for adding in an extra category :) (i don't feel left out any more!)

  17. Thanks for linking to me :) I think that different readers may be attracted to different types of blog. Most of the time, I look at other (abstract) art blogs. There are too many great blogs out there for me to read all of them, so its a matter of being very selective in which ones I subscribe to. My blog does not get massive amounts of traffic, mainly because it does not deal with something that a large number of people care passionately about. That could explain my "low" numbers. At the end of the day, I blog because of a core "audience" of between 6 and 10 regular visitors who enjoy the blog and the art. Its also a good place to record my art and how it has changed and developed over time.
