
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Animal School, or the reason so many of us turned out the way we are.

After reading Shoshana's post, I was reminded of my old seminary days, where we discussed at length the issue of children who learn through different methods. This video is a visual presentation of the parable that Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald used to address the issue. Enjoy.


  1. I've seen this video - it's exceptional and does go along really nicely with the theme of my post.

  2. Thanks for sharing that. It was excellent.

  3. Fantastic video- we've all heard "chinuch l'na'ar al pi darco" educate a child according to his way, but where is it put into practice? Interesting that the video is geared towards parents - it should be required viewing for teachers and principals as well...

  4. I was shown this video in my first education class, and was very impressed.

    I agree that anyone involved in education should see it.

    Very very well done. Thanks for showing it!
