
Sunday, January 01, 2006

6 Months Later...

Many look at a new year as a time for reflection, particularly on what has happened in the past year. While I am not going to recap all that has happened this past year, primarily because I do not have the time, energy, or patience to do so, my sister-in-law in Israel mentioned to me this week that she read my blog, I believe for the first time. She came to read a bit about her grandfather, Abraham Luchins A'H*; but while she was here, she clicked on the Keren Devorah link that resides in the sidebar to your left. She said she could not stop crying listening to what was said.

Debbie Rennert A'H* was killed in a tragic car accident 6 months ago today. I can still feel the pure emotion pouring out of my friend's mouth as he eulogized his own mother; the cracking in my rebbe's voice, the immediate sobbing, as he got up to speak about his good friend's wife, his wife's good friend; and a huge chunk of the Milwaukee community, sitting in a funeral home in Queens, broken-hearted and crying over their incredible loss. I have never in my life heard a hesped (eulogy) like the one Michoel Rennert gave on that day, and I hope I never will. Please, visit the website, listen if you can to some of the eulogies, and if you are able to help, please do. Whether you can or not, just listening would mean so much to honor her memory.

Thank you.

* Alav (Aleha) HaShalom: On him (her) [soul] should be peace.

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