
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chanukah Video #3 - I Am A Good Boy

Elianna keeps informing me that I am a "good boy", whether it is for blowing on my soup as ordered or responding to her "Boker Tov" (though it's dark out) as ordered. And "that's better" when I let her help me make a line on a piece of paper as opposed to trying it myself.

Tonight's videos for your enjoyment on this third night of Chanukah:
  • RafiG has three videos, but I like the first one best;
  • Dave has a somewhat funny clip on the second candle;
  • and I get sent things sometimes in the hopes that I'll write about them. I was sent "Songs in the Key of Hanukkah", which looks pretty interesting and far better than most of what I get, but I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. From what I have heard of it, I'm betting that people who like the styles of music in general will love it, while others simply won't be interested except for a song or two. It was certainly put together really well (by Ali G/Sasha Baron Cohen's brother Erran Baron Cohen, interestingly, who is in the video below), and includes people like Idan Raichel (remember "Bo-i"?), Y-Love, Jules Brookes, and Yasmin Levy. Now, if someone can explain why every video uses Chassidim, I'd love to hear it - meanwhile, this is pretty entertaining:



  1. That's okay. I got told I was a "good girl" for putting money in the pu(sh)ka.

  2. Don't worry too much that Elianna makes you very little. My father always said to me "Yes, boss" on whatever i told him to do something and yet I completed respect him and fear him and love him to death. He always tell me that i am his favorite daughter (eventhough I am only girl in my family) and i am very good child. So don't worry too much and starts tell Elianna "Yes boss" So she will have huge respect you and loves you to death and fears you. Is that oxymoron?

  3. In the video, Yeshua is the graffiti on the wall. Is this a reference to Jesus?

  4. My daughter stuck a sticker on my sweater yesterday because I was a good girl. Kids are funny!

  5. Erachet - Well, that makes sense at least...!

    S&S - Not worried, just think it's hilarious. :)

    Bruce - I wondered the same, since you see it a couple times, but actually, no - Cohen's Hebrew name is Yehoshua, and he was trying to stick that in the video, but he spelled it wrong. When he was told of the mistake he was embarrassed (or as embarrassed as a Baron Cohen can be).

    AT - Good for you! What'd you do? :)

  6. Not sure what I did--I didn't think to ask. I just thanked her over and over for the beautiful sticker and told her how much I loved it. I had a picture of a jug of oil. :)

    That clip about the second candle was sadder than it was funny, especially considering that this guy *chose* to be Jewish.
