
Friday, September 05, 2008

This is why Ed is truly special

So there we were, Apple and SJ and M2, waiting for the shuttle back from Da Heights to the safer grounds of Murray Hill. We were joined by a boisterous group of cologne-adorned boys and a scattered number of girls, huddled against the door of the shuttle that wasn't accepting passengers yet.

Unfortunately, we were beat out of the shuttle by the Cologne Boys, who swarmed onto the shuttle as soon as the door opened, and thus Apple, SJ and M2 were left forlornly on the curb, destined to wait for the next shuttle.

So we waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. And then! Down Amsterdam Avenue slid the sleek, black intercampus shuttle! It stopped at the corner of 187th and Amsterdam and the enterprising Apple ran to see if the shuttle would let us on. Oddly, the shuttle left, but this didn't matter, as Special Ed and his friend disembarked and joined us as we stood on the fringe of the sketchy boy-girl scene outside Morg.

After hearing our sob story about how the Cologne Boys took our spots on the shuttle, Special Ed said something truly special. He said:

"I'll drive you!"

"Really?" exclaimed Apple.

And so he did. Right from Washington Heights down to the door of our beautiful dorm.

And so, Special Ed, you are really a special guy, because not only did you do us a huge chesed, but you also allowed three other people to take the shuttle (the three spots that opened when we left before the shuttle came), but you even did this on your birthday.

Happy birthday, Ed. Many happy returns to a truly special guy.


  1. Happy birthday, Ed! And for your birthday gift, I'm letting you eat your Doritos all by yourself! :D But, really, even though I wasn't there tonight, I have my own reasons for knowing that you really are a great friend. :)

    Yom huledet sameach!

  2. I second those sentiments!

    Happy birthday Ed, and thank you so much for rescuing us from a fate worse than death (aka, being stuck on Amsterdam Avenue on a Thursday night)!

  3. Ed is definitely special. And I'm not even saying it to make fun.

    Happy birthday Ed. :)

  4. It's ed's birthday too??

    also, you know ezzie refers to someone else as M2? so it gets confusing. not that my M2 is in YU - though M2's brother is also an M2 at YU...

  5. Stam - I thought of that, but this person was a girl :)

  6. Now if not for the fact that I know I'm in Israel I might start thinking that was me... :)

  7. Now if not for the fact that I know I'm in Israel I might start thinking that was me... :)
