Instead, I noticed that most of what changes over the course of a year is in the little things, and that while some of those are nice, some are not, they do often point to the bigger differences in people's lives as they continue to move forward. A year ago at this time, we were preparing for a three-day Yom Tov, where we were putting up 37 guests over the four meals we would be home, five sleeping guests all around, and preparing for a hectic but amazing weekend despite each of us having full-time, set-time jobs that required us to be there in the days leading up to Rosh Hashana.
This year, both of us were home today. We were invited out for three of four meals, and while we made or are making some food for those meals, too, there is a lot less of that frenzy. We're still having six guests for the one meal we're home, but that's really simple for us at this point. That one difference is rather symbolic of some of the changes from last year to this one - whether from ourselves or external factors. I know for myself, it is certainly worthwhile to take a look back and compare it to now to see where my life has become more stable and where it's changed - both for better and for worse - and learning from all of it for the future.
From Serach, myself, and our girls, we'd like to wish everyone a k'siva v'chasima tova and a shana tova u'mesuka. May this coming year be one full of happiness, health, prosperity, and fulfillment. Chag Sameach!
Shanah tovah!
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