
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

EZ Reads 5/13/09: Oh Fine

A few good reads I've been gathering up for a while: (Hat tips to many)
  • Adventures in Chinuch discusses how the year in Israel can often severely damage a person's future, due to the encouragement of Rebbeim to take certain (worse) paths.
  • On a similar note, ADDeRabbi discusses having a conversation with his former self (or at least a young KBY guy who reminds him of himself at that age). Very interesting to ponder.
  • A New York Times piece on black hats. (Really.)
  • ...and a NYPost piece on a Brooklyn gas station that serves food at its Heimishe Coffee Shop. Like... chulent. [Too easy to make that joke.]
  • Cool piece in the New Yorker by Malcolm Gladwell (Tipping Point, Blink) on how Davids beat Goliaths - by changing the game being played. Personally I think it has serious limits: At some point, Goliaths will simply either play the same game right back (and better) or they will use their power to assert their style. (Think of how the surge in Iraq broke down terror.)
  • Another cool piece in the Wall Street Journal on how entourages are now much more business than lazy punks. Fascinating, really.
  • Interesting NBC piece on the "Jewish Jordan", Tamir Goodman, 10 years later. Nice kiddush Hashem.
  • Hirhurim links to a candid interview with R' Dr. Norman Lamm, where he (almost) says kaddish on Conservative and Reform Jewry. (On the flip side, when I saw that I immediately thought of Rabbeim who have done the same on what they see as the failure of Modern Orthodoxy.)
  • And in case you've never seen this (you're probably female), girls are in fact evil. {Insert women and math joke here.}


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The sad truth is that the math doesn’t not lie. Sorry girls..

    Bad grammar = Freudian slip?

    (Sorry for reposting that, I forgot something weird started happening when you make things italics.)

  3. I thought about commenting on his English, but we all know it doesn't matter as long as you can still get your point across. :)

  4. Or can you? :P

    Let's talk math, then.

    As we all know, two negatives = a positive. Therefore:

    math doesn't not lie = math lies.

    Therefore, girls are not evil. :D

  5. That's why men are smart enough not to get caught up on words, but focus on substance. Were you able to follow the equations? :)

  6. Substance? Okay, sure. His entire premise is wrong. Girls ≠ Time x Money.

    Girls = Time + Money

    Time = Money

    Girls = Money + Money = 2Money

    Money = the square root of evil

    Girls = 2(sqrt [evil])

    Which, as we all know, is completely meaningless.

  7. Wrong. Girls cost money on a constant basis, so for every period of time spent with them (Time) you are forced to spend money (Money). It is therefore Time X Money, and the rest still stands.

  8. Nope. Girls = time AND money. The money doesn't increase exponentially. It's just, spend an hour, pay money. Spend an hour the next day, pay money again. Time plus money.

  9. :::sigh::: Bad at math, eh?

    If for every T there's an M, that is TxM. Not T+M. T+M would be if sometimes you had to spend time, and sometimes money - but we all know it's always both.

  10. It's not always both! Sometimes you spend money but no time (like if you get her a gift). Sometimes you spend time but no money (like going for a walk).

  11. We live in an age of phones and texts. There's no such thing as no time. And trust me, there's no such thing as just time, either.

  12. Well then boys are just as evil as girls. :)

  13. You don't even have to do the whole equation. It's much simpler.

    Girls take out time to go on dates with boys.


    Boys = time.

    Time = money.

    Money = the root of all evil.


    Boys = the root of all evil.


  14. ?! No, boys are polite and giving.

    I've never seen guys happy to have girls spend money on them, and they'd often much prefer if the girl spent a little less (lot less?) time, too. :)

  15. Girls take out time to go on dates with boys.Meh.

    Time = money.Not for the girl. Especially if said girl majored in certain fields. :) {ducks}

  16. Time always equals money, silly.

    and they'd often much prefer if the girl spent a little less (lot less?) time, too. :).

    So they'd rather not spend time on the girls they're dating? That's nice of them.

    Especially if said girl majored in certain fields..

    Actually, time = money even more for girls who are writers! Time spent dating could be time spent writing, and time spent writing means time closer to possibly getting money for what you've written! So there!


    Smart of you to duck before I even threw anything. Now I can just throw something at you while you're ducking. :P

  17. That was all horrible logic.

  18. nice piece on Tamir Goodman.

    I'm going to quote Monty Python to Rabbi Lamm: "...not dead yet" Doesn't he have bigger fish to fry in his own backyard? Just sayin' . . .

  19. I didn't like the article on the hats. It sounded so condescending and silly. Like we spend so much time thinking about hats, and how important it is to our religion, and how it determines who we are....


    I know we find it titillating to have articles about our lives in the non-jewish publications, but I think they never quite present us positively. and in the end, the articles make us look archaic and foolish.

  20. Rebbetzin - (shrug) :)

    Brooklyn North - LOL, and true. I find it interesting to see how we come across, but don't worry too much about it.
