
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Orders from Ezzie

Conversation with Ezzie this morning.

me: gimme an idea for my next post
though i think ill let this one sit for a bit

Ezzie: what's up with you writing a lot all of a sudden?
you should link it at least if not repost it on mine
not like i have time to post you should link it at least if not repost it on mine
not like i have time to post

me: Yeah, maybe ill link it

Ezzie: and it's that good
excerpt some of it
otherwise ppl don't nec go

So here’s an excerpt. Read the rest here:

I was totally unprepared.

There were jokes about Vivian in the staff room. We should “pawn her off to Dr. Bill” said the chief nurse. I didn’t understand. Why would they pawn her off? What did it mean to be pawned off?

Of all of today’s patients, Vivian’s was the only one whose chart I hadn’t read prior to entering the exam room.

And because I should have, I was totally unprepared.

I followed Dr. Howie into exam room #2. Though the room was well lit, it felt so terribly dark. I could feel the tension, sense the tangible and intangible pain, experience the suffering, and even –for a brief moment – see the shadow of the Angel of Death in the corner.

I slowly closed the door behind us.

1 comment:

  1. The conversation between you and ezzie reminds me of the "Group" commercial for macs

