To my ears, none. Most people can't guess where I'm from just by talking to me, though they assume either the Midwest or South, so I guess it's something along those lines. To some extent I'm an accent copier - I adopt the accent of whomever I'm speaking to just a bit. I'm not sure if it's because it makes them more comfortable or just that I'm affected by what I hear, but I've always found it interesting when I notice myself doing it.Booze:
Not a big drinker - I would need to drink way too much to get drunk, so it's not too fun or economical for me. But I have a few bottles of Canadian Club and a bottle of 15-year Balvenie Doublewood on the shelf, along with a few other bottles (some empty). We have a lot of guests, so if there's a reason to have a l'chaim, a lot gets drunk at once. Beers I like in general are Corona, Heineken, and a few others.Chore I Hate:
Anything that needs to be done "right now".Dogs/Cats:
Never had, never wanted. Never understood why people do, unless they're lonely.

Laptop with a DVD player. Normal household electronics. Toaster oven. Digital camera (sob). Everything else is pretty much a bonus...Favorite Perfume/Cologne:
Whatever Serach wears, I guess. I don't wear cologne - never liked the concept, or the smell.Gold & Silver:
What's my last name again? Oh right, duh. I don't really wear anything made of either, though Serach has a few things that are white-gold which I like. I'm a diamond/crystal guy, myself, I think. Or white-gold and diamonds. Or something. Not really sure - depends on what it is, I guess...Hometown:
Do I have to answer this? Ugh. Okay... temporarily Queens, N** Y***. But we're leaving over the summer, God willing. Originally from Cleveland, final destination Israel, with stops so far in Milwaukee, Israel, and Queens.

Well, I can't really ever sleep. Unless I'm completely exhausted, falling asleep is a near impossibility (hence my post times). But I'm not generally tired, and function better than most people by averaging about 4-5 hours a night. I've gone 69 hours without sleep once, and pull 2-days straight all the time. I'm not sure if that makes me an insomniac, though...

Father, Blogger. Student, when I feel like it.Kids:
Living Arrangements:Elianna! :)
1-bedroom apartment, nice size. Eat-in kitchen, long and decently wide living room/dining room area, full bathroom, lots of closets. That's pretty much it. Enough room that we've had 3 (4?) sleeping guests with no problem at all, and 30 or so people for a birthday party.Most Admired Trait
I don't like this one, can I skip it? My mother recently told me that it's my ability to get along with everybody. Other traits people have said to me... honesty; calm; ability to keep a secret; math/logic; brains in general; listening to people's issues, discussing/helping to solve them. I've always felt that a lot of those go hand in hand with one another, and I don't think most of them are all that impressive - is honesty "impressive"? It shouldn't be. Note: Some of the above are talents, not traits (same issue Chana had).Number of Sexual Partners:
One.Overnight Hospital Stays:
First night of Elianna's life... but I was in the lobby, so I'm not sure that counts. Perhaps another times when I was born.Phobia:
Not sure... used to be heights, but now that's only true if I lean out over an unguarded cliff. If there's a good railing, or I'm climbing a mountain path, I love it.Quote:
So many to choose from, but I have three favorites.Religion:
- "Be yourself, because the people who care don't matter, and the people who matter don't care." - Serach, on the phone, when we'd started dating.
- "Honesty is a hard attribute to find/when we all want to seem like/we've got it all figured out. Well let me be the first to say/that I don't have a clue/I don't have all the answers.../Ain't gonna pretend that I do/Just trying.../to find my way/the best that I know how." - Lifehouse, Sick Cycle Carousel [forgot the song name]
- "I wanted to change the world, but I realized it was too large of a task for one person, so I tried to change my community. That was also too hard, so I tried to change my family. That was also too hard, so I decided to try and change myself. And though it was very hard, I finally changed myself. And once I changed myself, I discovered my family changed, the community changed, and the entire world changed."
Judaism. Not whatever GH is peddling these days. ;)Siblings:
OD Brother, 31, married to SIL with 2 kids. Sister V(ervel) Y(eya), married to S(ecret) A(gent) M(an) with 3 kids.Time I Usually Wake Up:
Varies too much - there is no 'usually'. Does it count if I never went to sleep?Unusual Talent:
Ability to learn mounds of new material or do vast amount of work at high level under extreme time constraints and high pressure - and succeed. It's unusual in that I do it so often, and while I honestly think most people can do it, my friends think I'm... a) nuts b) talented and c) they don't think anyone else could do it - which makes it 'unusual'.Vegetable I Refuse To Eat:
Most of them. :)Worst Habit:
The aforementioned pushing things to the last second. Procrastination, some people call it. Laziness, from others.

Never had. Always liked Cyclops of the X-Men... (from the arcade game. Never read comics.)Yummy Foods I Make:
Hard to gauge, because I worked as a cook. I guess the favorites are the basics and a few others - chocolate chip cookies, pizza, macaroni & sauce, tuna burgers, pineapple chicken, breaded cutlets, lemon curry cutlets, sweet potato soup, chulent, and a bunch of other chicken recipes (honey apricot, "layah's", Coca-Cola, random concoctions...).Zodiac Sign:
Leo the Lion.Who to tag, with Pesach in less than 72 hours...? How about CharlieHall, Jameel, Cruisin' Mom, Yitzchak, and... AbbaGav!
Great list! I loved this meme. And I like your veggies answer.
ReplyDeleteThanks - Happy Passover!!