
Monday, April 03, 2006

The J-Blogosphere Links

With apologies to my non-Jewish readers...

I find it interesting how J-bloggers, even those who blog without having started by reading J-blogs, sooner or later find themselves predominantly within the J-blog world. This was true for me and certainly many others out there, even if our posts are not particularly Jewish in nature. In fact, you'd probably find that less than a handful of my posts focus on Judaism, and while there is obviously a small portion of political posts involving Israel, these too lie within the minority.

But I digress. Within the J-blogosphere, there are many who are kind enough to put together something that I find to be harder than it looks (though it does get easier with practice). David of SoccerDad, the first J-blogger to find my blog, started Haveil Havalim - the Jewish/Israeli blogging carnival which happens just about every week. Batya of Me-Ander & Shiloh Musings recently began the Kosher Cooking Carnival, which is every few weeks. Chaim of Life-of-Rubin came up with the J-Blogger Interviews about a month ago. Dave of IsraellyCool started the Jewish/Israel Blogging Awards. All of these have done and will do a great service to Jewish blogs and the Jewish blogosphere, and to some extent will help spread the J-blogosphere to a greater extent. Bigger J-blogs with a nice reach outside the J-blogosphere do plenty as well: Think DovBear, Meryl Yourish, and the like.

Then there are those who help to guide others to some of the best stuff out there. For a while, I've been hosting roundups, and though I haven't been able to since Elianna was born, I hope to continue doing so in the near future - possibly in the next couple of days, as I'm almost caught up on what I wanted to read. Those roundups link to what I think are some of the best posts I came across or others pointed out to me that day. But the point of this post is to note that I'm not the only one to do this, and the others who do are also linking to excellent material.

SoccerDad has a series called, "If You Haven't Seen It, You Must."

Daled Amos periodically puts out his "Late Night Links."

Yitzchak at Judeopundit often has "Linkim".

Sephardi Lady of Orthonomics rounds up the economic posts that matter to the Jewish world.

All of these are excellent, and so are their blogs. Check them out! :)


  1. Ezzie, you are always very generous in the way you point to other's could teach this old lady a thing or two!

  2. long live the old protocols!

  3. CM - Thanks.

    Anon - I came around after Protocols, actually... I never even read it!

  4. one does not know the j blogosphere without knowing the
    original protocols as the sphere as you presently know just would not exist

  5. and hasidic rebel - he was THE central figure in the early days of the sphere.

  6. I understand and appreciate them, even if I don't know them. But I'm not a J-blog historian, merely commenting on where it's at right now.

  7. I like roundups as well, with every new Havel Haveilm and similar lists I discover new blogs or particular posts of interest on blogs I haven’t visited in awhile, hereby my appreciation for all those who take the time to put the lists together.

  8. Ezzie, it's good to surf onto your site and get the jist of what's out there when I am kept busy with things that keep me away from blogging.

    You do a great job.

  9. whats wrong with knowing what was before you? its good to know what was here before you came along especially since they created the culture you now enjoy and love. its not history it was immidiate precceeding

  10. I think we're all willing to cut you a little slack in this busy time.

    And don't mind the jblog snob. The blogosphere is better now than it was in the old days.

  11. Pragmat - exactly.

    IYWI - Thanks.

    Anon - in the blogging world, a month is a year.

    PT - Funny how the "older" bloggers are split on that. But to me, it really makes no difference - I wasn't around, so I have no reason to compare...

    And thanks on the slack - but it's not that I feel I "have" to blog, but more that I *enjoy* it and actually do have the time these days - I simply can't get online or post most of the time for some reason.
