
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Double ConBlogulations... Orthomom! Not only did she just celebrate her 1st Blogiversary on Tuesday, she just surpassed 100,000 hits as well. Incredible. As I wrote a few months back...
[DovBear] does an excellent critique of many problems in the Orthodox Jewish world. [skip]

As for Orthomom, see the skipped line.
[Orthomom does it better.]
She's simply the best analyst of the problems in Jewish culture that I read, whether writing about extravagant bar mitzvahs and strollers, chinese auctions, or the Five Towns in general. She's an excellent writer in addition to being a great analyst.
That stands true, and today was a wonderful example of that.

(It appears she's also trying to hit 500 posts in the same week, having put up a DovBear+Jack-like 16 posts in the last 2 days. Geez.)

Mazel Tov, Momof4, and may you continue to shine your wisdom upon the blogosphere and the world. Happy Blogiversary!


  1. Thanks for your kind words and wishes! I'm so glad to see that Elianna is behaving enough to give you time to get some important things like blogging done.;)

  2. ConBlogulations-This word (your invention?)ought to be added to the dictionary.

  3. OM - ;) There are priorities in life, ya know...?

    Pragmatician - Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I stole it from someone. But yeah, it should!
