
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ezzie's Blog Roundup, 4/27

A little different today - just links of a bunch of bloggers who are not on the blogroll [well, yet, anyway].
R' Chaim HaQoton has an excellent post breaking down Reactions to Zionism.

Rebecca links to an impressively troubling video from a college far, far away...

YMedad points out just how off the wall some people are.

BEAJ has a great letter that the left in Michigan is up in arms about. I first saw this via Best of the Web, but this is too good.

Amishav knows what a turb is, though his quest still remains.

And from a few days back... JustPassingThrough notes an interesting line, and Neil Harris points out a story in which people acted properly.


  1. Hi, Thanks for writing about me! I appreciate it. I'm going to blogroll you- and if you know any single female Jews in Denver, let me know!
