
Friday, July 17, 2009

Enjoy the Subway

I know I did after reading this one:


  1. Love it, love it! So very true! We're all so arrogant, aren't we???

  2. Haha. I like the mouseover, too. :)

  3. NL - Yup. :)

    SJ - Yeah - I had to put that in. :)

    Erachet - :)

  4. You mean you're not an Ayn Rand fan?! Actually, I've been trying to get my husband to read either Atlas Shrugged or the Fountainhead -- not because I think they're great but because it is the way to understand the view of objectivism. But he doesn't want to invest the time in a thousand page book now (though he has read plenty of very long ones). There is some sense of community in Atlas Shrugged, in fact, the superior beings go off to form their own where there is no charity, etc.

  5. Ariella - I'm told I would be a huge Ayn Rand fan. It's on my list to read (most people are shocked that I have not yet).

  6. I think Ayn Rand is a very important author to read, whether you agree with her or not.

  7. Yes, I agree, Erachet. Don't worry, Ezzie, I believe I was older than you are now when I read The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, and We the Living. After the 3, I had my fill of her. But I do think it's interesting to see her point of view.
