
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Fun & Sun & Lemon Curry

SerandEz are currently in Los Angeles, enjoying the beautiful (though a bit too warm if you're picky) weather. To whet your appetites, here's one of the recipes I promised to post at some point; don't be afraid to fool around with it, it may not be quite right. Thank Pobody's Nerfect for requesting it today so I have it on my mind...
Lemon Curry Chicken
The following is for one whole chicken cut into pieces; I actually think it's better on cutlets, but adjust the measurements and oven times accordingly. Or just do what we do and make it up. :)

Take the chicken, dip into eggs or margarine, roll in bread crumbs. Put in oven at 400. (For cutlets I often use 350-375.) While it's there for about a half hour (15-20 for cutlets), mix together the following:
1 cup sugar (or less - Imma) (or more! - Ez)
1 tsp curry (no more - might be even less, like 1/2 tsp)
1 tsp paprika
2 tbsp lemon juice
dash of pepper (woohoo, a dash! more than pinch...)
Take out the chicken, place half the mixture on one side of each piece, the other half on the other side. (Ez: Or be lazy and put most of it on one side, if it's cutlets.) Put it back in the oven. Check it once in a while. When it looks just about done, take it out. When it looks really done, you probably left it in too long. When it turns black, you have serious issues. Good way to gauge - if the mixture not on pieces in the pan looks pretty dry, take it out.



  1. I was never a big curry person.

  2. interesting recipe.

    i miss LA. hope you're having an excellent time!

  3. don't put that chicken with lemon on alumunium pan bc i learn in chemistry in my high school that u shouldn't cook lemon chicken in aluminuim or something happen which i forgot what is it.

  4. wow! Cleveland is in the playoffs and this is what's on your blog??? i am NOT impressed!

  5. Mmm. I think I'm going to try this recipe for this half of yom tov. Although it would be nice if you could give a more, um, precise timing as to how long the chicken should be in the oven after it's dressed :P.

    Also, do you flatten the cutlets with a mallet or what?

  6. JBM - It's the only thing I eat with curry...

    Sarah - I'll send your regards! :P

    S&S - Interesting! I didn't know that...

    Rea - See above!

    The Apple - Nope, I'm lazy. I use my eyes... sometimes that works, other times not. :P

  7. though a bit too warm if you're picky) weather.

    It has been relatively cold here. Wimpy Midwesterners. ;)
