
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What the Pelosi Health-Care Bill Really Says

I figure Ezzie is not around, so why not help him out a bit.

Interesting and important article here.

BTW, this woman actually read the ENTIRE bill. I wonder how many of our representatives actually did that.


  1. Pure propaganda piece. Detailed rebuttal.

    McCaughey, of course, is the liar who wrote "No Exit," the big article against the Clinton health care plan in the 90s. She's also the liar who started the lie about health care reform leading to the euthanasia of old people.

  2. Thanks JA

    But skimming it quickly, I see a quick play that Media Matters pulls. If you go the section where they talk about racial preferences, Media Matters inserts the word "only" when in fact, she said no such thing. She even gives the page number to read it from. She wasn't lying when she copied that text that it says it WILL give it as a preference.

    In fact, its vague if sec 2521 is referring to them needing to fulfill all requirements or just one of them to get the grant and sec 2533 makes explicit that they don't have to fullfill all, but at least just what McCaughey says.

  3. Where did he destroy her exactly? She brings up things that will happen due to cuts, he says you have no evidence or it doesn't say that. Well obviously its not going to say "Senior X will not get hip replacement." DUH. But she is talkign about the natural consequence over time to what it will mean for elderly care.

    I didn't like he tone though. She doesn't have good presence in front of an audience.
